Old report falsely shared as Indonesia plan to 'scrap cheap petrol'

Post Content
2024-08-09 04:06:52

Chancellor resists calls to lift two-child benefit cap

The chancellor says she will not make an "unfunded" pledge to scrap the Conservative-era policy.
2024-07-21 14:07:14

Pressure growing to scrap two-child benefit limit

Labour MPs and opposition parties say the cap is increasing child poverty, ahead of next week's King's Speech.
2024-07-11 20:08:26

Tories and Labour pressed on two-child benefit cap in BBC Wales debate

Plaid Cymru and Welsh Lib Dems urge next UK government to scrap the limit, during live TV debate.
2024-06-21 23:06:31

Scottish judges asked to scrap 87-year-old 'barrier to rape case justice'

The Lord Advocate will ask for some alleged victims' statements to be used as evidence in court.
2024-06-05 11:35:55

Analysis: Where the Salford scrap leaves Starmer and Sunak

Political editor Chris Mason reflects on a tetchy showdown between the party leaders.
2024-06-05 06:07:53

Labour makes NHS pledge as Tories promise new apprenticeships

Keir Starmer promises to hit a waiting list target within five years, and Rishi Sunak aims to scrap some university courses.
2024-05-29 07:09:17

Conservatives pledge to scrap 'rip-off' degrees to boost apprenticeships

The Conservatives say they would replace some degrees with 100,000 new apprenticeships per year.
2024-05-29 01:07:25

Premier League clubs to vote on scrapping VAR

Premier League clubs will vote on whether to scrap video assistant referees (VAR) from next season at their annual general meeting next month.
2024-05-15 19:08:06

Scotland to ditch key climate change target

The Scottish government is to scrap its flagship target of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 75% by 2030.
2024-04-17 20:09:27

Post Content
2024-04-09 17:10:16

Ethiopia Mulls Dropping Somaliland Recognition After Uproar

Post Content
2024-03-08 21:08:28

Russian lawmakers vote to scrap Cold War armed forces deal

Post Content
2023-05-16 14:13:38


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